June 11, 2008

Poem of A Breast Cancer Warrior

(The author is a long-time friend of mine from way back in College. She is a breast cancer warrior for the last 12 years or so. She remains an inspiration to many for braving her battle)

I ache, I cry
For soon I know I may fly

I seek, I pray
Pls. Lord, make my day

Let me sing, let me dance
I am not deprived of the chance

Let me feel, let me see
And don’t let me just be

I will breathe, I will smile
Though maybe for just a while

And I will love and I will live
Till with wings I believe

I shall strive, I shall touch
A breastless friend, oh so much

I will go on, move on I will
Till His Hand holds the keel

Oh I’ll still sing and dance as I had
Even in the silent memory of God

Lynne Carreon Sabay
Breast Cancer Warrior
Lipa City, Batangas

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