Anyone who undergoes crisis in life gets stalled somehow. Some important things need to be set aside. Schedules are reset to give focus on urgent matters. Finances are reworked. Often finances dry up in so short a time especially in cases of a major accident, illness or death.
After going through our daughter's two years of illness that ended in her death, we've been to the depths so to speak.
In spite of the fiery trial, we say we are more than fortunate. Relatives, friends and many others rallied behind us. They provided continuity to our lives. Though we had to take occasional and extended leave from work, our career somehow did not suffer. My wife's even took some positive turns as her role in her organization became more pronounced. And while I took a turn to a less stressful and more independent assignment, it is no less personally rewarding.
After four months of our daughter's illness in 2006, our life-savings were wiped out. We stared at raising a 7-figure budget for her continued medical expense. We say God provided our needs, moving the hearts of people who in turn extended their helping hands to us. I always wax emotional whenever I remember how much love and care we received from countless people, often times I feel we did not deserve. While my family sold some properties, we have not been tried to the point of blood.
People who reach out to others could be God's way of providing fluid continuity in peoples' lives. He did so greatly to us. Many times during those two years, we could have stalled. But somehow, we kept moving on because family and friends were simply there by our side. Old friendships were renewed, lost ones were regained, new ones emerged. Indeed you know who your real friends are when you're down and we realized we have many, Big, big thanks to you guys. I guess no one could be more proud at how much and how far family and friendship provide a solid support system.
We thus count it a joy to have undergone a fiery trial though we admit we sometimes felt abysmally down during those times. But God always provided a way out, often in ways we never imagined and in ways that displayed His glory. God indeed provides continuity through people.
Now, it is our turn to provide continuity to others' lives. And while we did so in minor ways during those two years, we can do it in a more active way now. We just started by placing a modest donation in the name of some friends to the Child Life Program of Kythe at the Davao Medical Center for pediatric cancer patients. We also committed to assist a leukemia survivor to college and enable her to appreciate and fulfill her life dreams.
Honestly, I feel a little discomfort writing about what we do (because I may not even be able to make a dent). But continuity to our own life and to others' lives is our individual and collective responsibility. We owe ours to many others, we owe it to others who need us. We just need to open our eyes, reach out, or be sensitive to others' needs.
Continuity - this is life. It is what life is all about.
May 28, 2008
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