May 22, 2007

Letters From Friends (June 2006)

3 Jun 2006 14:34

Dearest Junie

The Lord works in ways which we do not always comprehend. My 80 year old dad was diagnosed last August with terminal thoracic cancer. A survivor of two lung cancer operations, a quintuple heart bypass and a "minor" heart surgery where a stent was inserted, dad accepted his fate. We did too.

But then in January, dad slipped and had to have hip surgery. He could no longer walk or play golf, his two passions in life. His hip surgery went well and we again praised the Lord.

Then dad fell again. My faith faltered.

I have regained my faith. Dad is slowly getting on with his life, or what's left of it. I see my mom weakening in the face of the impending loss of her life's partner. Mom herself is a survivor of stomach cancer, which has left her physically weak.
I feel the Lord sent me these challenges to challenge my faith. And to tell me I am a Christian because of Him, who died for me on the Cross, and not because of me, who tries to do good and to be strong. I have emerged a better Christian because of it. Not perfect, but better, and definitely still growing.

I know not what God's plan is for you and your daughter. I pray that He will listen to the many prayers for Yam, and for you, her loved ones.

Our prayers join those of many others.

Linda, Peter, Paul David and Isabella

3 Jun 2006 05:51

Hey Junie:

Kamusta na? Got the yahoogroup trail of messages regarding your daughter's illness. Needless to say she will be in our daily prayers.

My daughter, now 8, has a classmate diagnosed with tumor in the abdomen; went through chemo and surgery and goes to school with a bonnet to cover her bald head. But her spirit amazes me! She's as spunky as any 8 year old can be! I think the kids handle these things better than we adults do. I pray for wisdom for the doctors caring for her.

BTW, I was able to get chemo drugs at cost from the pharmaceutical companies for my brother in law who was battling colon cancer years ago. Let me know if I can help. Hang in there and we'll keep praying. Also, if you want to do your own research, a helpful website is:, go into the oncology (cancer) section and look up the latest on AML.


04 Jun 2006 22:06


Will call then on what time some batchmates can meet up with you at your most convenient time on Tuesday. There has not been a chance yet for Yam to meet our batch. But I'm sure we'll find a way on how we can express our deep concern for this trial that came your way. The Lord has very special reasons for such situations in our lives. I remember 16 years ago when I have two young kids 7 & 5 and I didn't how I could raised them as a single parent.

But believe it or not I left everything in HIs hands. Nothing has kept me this with you because I know that it is not easy for any mom & dad to see what their baby is going through right now. But Yam, even in her young mind, must have offered to Him this illness and it is what will keep her on high spirits because He will be always be gracious to give her the strength to pull through all those chemos. And I know she will be blessed with such strength.

Junie, please let me know anything that our batch may offer to be of help to you. Just remember that we care.... A LOT.

The J-Len

12 Jun 2006 08:30

Dear Brod Junie,

Thanks for the update. It is comforting to see that you are maintaining your great sense of humor. It shows your strong resolve and courage. As a parent myself, it is really hard to see any child of ours go through this. Yam’s pictures say it all too – she is a happy and very confident young woman. My family will continue to pray and hope for her recovery.

Extend our regards to Emma.

Don’t worry about your hair. Mine is starting the thinning process too now. We might as well form a balding support group soon.


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