May 3, 2007

May 13, 2006

13 May 2006

Yesterday, I posted an update on yam's condition. Just at
noon time today, we had a more lengthy conference with Yam's physician, Dr. Jeannie Ong, to discuss the results of yam's biopsy and immuno-phenotyping from St Luke's Medical Center.

Without getting to the medical profession's jargon and technicalities, the results showed that Yam has Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) which occurs more in both adults than children. This second diagnosis is more accurate than the first as this underwent a more specific and objective process. This type of leukemia also requires a more focused and aggressive treatment than the earlier diagnosis (ALL).

The experience of listening to the doctor's revelation was harrowing even as we also discussed the treatment protocol, the possible side effects, the patient's possible reaction to the treatment, the treatment duration and the comparatively poorer prognosis.

At home afterwards, I can't stand my loving daughter's reaction when we slowly divulged the nature of her illness. She already understands life and was clearly devastated at the eerie possibilities. I had to get out of our room holding on to my tears as her Mom held on to her. (Mothers truly are full of wisdom when talking to a child)

We accept this condition and hold on to the hope of life and the mercy of the Almighty. With your continued encouragement, we will get by.

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