May 12, 2007

29 June 2006

29 June 2006

Dear Congressman,

Our 10 year daughter, Eunice Joy, was diagnosed of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), a form of white blood cancer that radically diminishes the capacity of the immune system to fight infection. AML appears to be one of the worst forms of leukemia.

Since April, Eunice was in and out of the hospital for diagnosis, blood analysis and treatment. She had her first course of chemotherapy on May 22-26 and is currently undergoing her second chemotherapy (June 23-30). We need to raise Php241,900.00 for the 2nd to the 5th course of chemotherapy drugs alone.

In-between chemo treatment, Eunice has to be hospitalized for blood transfusions and care management to prevent infection. Our latest experience showed that care management can be more costly than a set of chemo drugs. Eunice’s treatment protocol calls for five courses of chemotherapy, which may require Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT).

While both of us, the parents, are employed with the government, the nature of our daughter’s illness has depleted our finances. To complete the treatment protocol and increase the chances of our daughter to get well would require much more than we have already spent.

We know you and others also desire that our daughter leads a normal life. She was an honor student but was prevented by her illness to enroll this school year. We are therefore requesting your help in seeking financial assistance from such agencies like the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), the Philippine Amusement and Games Corporation (PAGCor) and others for Eunice’s hospital and treatment bills.

Attached is Eunice’s Medical Abstract and List of Chemotherapy Drugs.

Thank you for your help and we seek God’s blessings and guidance to you and family.

Very truly yours,



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