May 12, 2007

Leukemia Can Be Overcome

Eunice Joy Bayogan, or Yam as we fondly call her, is our youngest child. In May 2006, she was diagnosed of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). AML is a form of blood cancer that radically diminishes the immune system’s capacity to fight infection. It is one of the worst forms of leukemia.

When she was diagnosed of this illness, we were deeply devastated. We couldn't understand how a bubbly, intelligent and beautiful girl can be stricken with such a disease. Eerie thoughts crept, including thoughts that our daughter was dying.

Yam is an honor pupil at the Philippine Women's College-Grade School until she was prevented from enrolling to undergo treatment. She had three of a 5-course chemotherapy protocol in May, June and July, 2006. Each time, she was back to the hospital for blood transfusion and supportive care.

Yam practically lived in the hospital then. After the second chemotherapy, her attending physician, Dr. Jeannie Bernardo-Ong, pronounced she was in remission. Under this condition, she can undergo bone marrow transplantation (BMT), a process that greatly increases her complete cure. This process was recommended as the first option, and not a last recourse, in treating leukemia.

After going through a difficult period of decision-making, looking for a matched donor and raising the needed funds, Yam was admitted for bone marrow transplantation at the Asian Hospital and Medical Center in early September. Under the care of competent and compassionate doctors, Dr. Francisco Vicente Lopez and Dr. Allan Robert Racho, Yam had a successful transplant. She was the 23rd bone marrow transplant patient at the Asian Hospital, where 28 transplants were done so far from December 2002 to January 2007.

Three months after her transplant, Yam embarked on a home study program. The Philippine Women's College of Davao City, where she was enrolled, provided adequate lessons and evaluation tests. Just last week, Yam received her report of grades and enrolled for the next grade which is to start in June.

Yam has steadily gained weight and grew taller. She continues medication and undergoes regular check-up. Her biopsy latest that her bone marrow is functioning well. Her engraftment analysis shows likewise. She consistently manifests vigor and energy. She has not lost memory and wit, showing to one and all that the deadly disease called leukemia can be vanquished.

Yam's journey from illness to wellness was possible only through the dedication and competence of her medical team, and the help of many friends, institutions, relatives, school mates and countless Good Samaritans. As we savor the joy and exhilaration of Yam's journey to full recovery, we realize the priceless value for relationships, humility, honesty and reliance on God.

Our desire of a normal life for our daughter is well within reach. So, to all of you who extended your helping hands in diverse ways, to all of you who cried out to the Lord for healing, strength, provisions and things we needed during the months of difficulty, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. May God bless you in all your undertakings.


admindude said...

Hi Sir,
I was blog hopping and came across your blog. I also read about Yam's story in Sunstar before. It's good to know that she is now recovering well.

Anonymous said...

yeah!!am good!!

Anonymous said...

hello yam!!!!